About SKS CX

About SKS CX

Pioneira em Mystery Shopping na América Latina, Stella Kochen Susskind fundou a Buy & Test em 1988, mudando o nome da empresa em 2009. Stella Susskind é considerada uma das especialistas mais importantes em Customer Experience no mundo. Seu livro “Cliente Secreto à metodologia que revolucionou o atendimento ao consumidor” é um best-seller e o primeiro livro sobre o Mystery Shopping na América Latina. Considerada como uma mente muito criativa, Stella Susskind inova novamente com a SKS | Perception powered by Checker, uma consultoria de experiência do cliente alimentada pela mais poderosa plataforma israelense de pesquisa de mercado, Checker Software.

She has spoken internationally at conferences in Barcelona, ​​Stockholm, Amsterdam, London, Athens, San Diego, Chicago, Las Vegas, Buenos Aires, and of course in Brazil. Her performances are well regarded because of Stella's experience, her good humor, dynamism, but most of all, humanity and affection for the audience.

Fundadora e primeira presidente da Mystery Shopping Providers Association da América Latina em 2008 , Stella é membro atuante da Associação e em 2021 recebeu seu sexto prêmio MSPA Elite Member. Esse prêmio a coloca entre os 10 melhores experts em Mystery Shopping no mundo e a única premiada na América Latina.

Stella describes herself as passionate about Customer Experience. In her own words:

“First of all I am passionate about life and my work and it makes a big difference. I love people, I love to serve clients and have long partnership. I love dogs and I am absolutely addicted to Customer Experience. This gives me advantages and also some disadvantages. I am always striving for perfection in my company, my professional life, and my projects, but I always worry about the impact of results on people's lives, which makes me strive even further.

As someone who is passionate about customer experience, I became a better professional. I am always innovating, looking for new opportunities and working with the Mystery Shopping Providers Association to define ethics and best practices in the market.

As for disadvantages, I must confess: I've been late to meetings many times in my life rescuing dogs on the streets… Sorry… That's me!”

What does she think of the union with Checker?

“I joke with my Israeli partners that they have made me a much smarter, more alert, and agile person. And this joke is 100% true. With Checker,, I learned that tomorrow is now! My concept of efficiency has been twisted. This partnership is certainly a welcome break in the customer experience market. Toda rabá, Checker!"

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